

Advice for prospective students

You will find answers to your questions about choosing a subject, enrolling and organising your studies at our central student advisory service.

Drei Studierende lesen und lernen im Sonnenschein an einem Gartentisch.

Study courses offered

The University of Augsburg offers a broad spectrum of almost 90 degree programmes in humanities and social sciences, business and law, natural and engineering sciences, medicine and computer science.

Studierende in der Vorlesung

Your start at our university

Did you know...? Knowledge and contact points for your first weeks at our university.

Stra?enbahnhaltestelle Universit?t

Numerus Clausus (N.C.)

Some degree programmes and disciplines have restricted admission (Numerus Clausus, N.C). Learn more about the admission requirements for your chosen degree programme.

Studierende lernen in der Bibliothek

Higher Education Compass

A comprehensive overview of all study and doctoral programmes offered in Germany is provided by the Higher Education Compass of the German Rectors' Conference.

Doktorhut auf Büchern

Augsburg: a city rich in cultural heritage and more

With a history dating back to 15 BC, Augsburg is not just a city rich in cultural heritage but also home to a UNESCO world heritage listed water management system. Learn more about why there’s more reasons to visit Augsburg than just to study.

Vogelperspektive auf Augsburger Rathaus und Innenstadt
Studentin vor dem Uni-See
I love the uni campus. In winter, it’s covered in snow with frozen ponds and in summer it’s full of beautiful, green fields. The campus offers the perfect place for a rest, or a walk around the ponds with a coffee, or for catching some sun while relaxing on the hills.

Anna-Lena, law student

Five reasons for studying at the University of Augsburg

  1. Diverse range of degree programmes: With 89 degree programmes, the university offers the best conditions for finding your dream discipline. The advantages: exchange and networking!
  2. Compact and accessible campus: You can walk straight from your seminar to the cafeteria, then to the lecture theatre, and then onto the library to study. The compact campus makes everything possible at Augsburg.
  3. Relaxing atmosphere: The university’s ponds and the green fields provide all the place you need to relax and recover from the stress of learning.
  4. Augsburg is a perfect student city: Not too big and not too small with Munich and the Alps at your doorstep: that’s Augsburg.
  5. Active life on campus: There are over 90 concerts per year, as well as theatre productions, university cinema, and more. Bring your talent to Augsburg.
? Colourbox
