

Foreign applicants


Foreign applicants who are not assimilated to German students and do not have a German university entrance qualification, i.e. are not “Bildungsinl?nder” who have completed secondary school in Germany, should apply online via the University of Augsburg portal. There they will find an “application for admission” form to be printed out:


Application portal


Please bear in mind that these studies must be completed exclusively in German, and that neither lectures nor examinations are available in any other language.


Before admission is considered, the applicant’s previous educational qualifications must be checked. This is done by the Bavarian accreditation office Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle (ZASt).


The accreditation office will only check your qualifications if you attach a copy of your application for admission to the University of Augsburg, demonstrating that you have applied for the medical course!


The application form should be sent, together with officially certified copies of the notification of accreditation, the certificates listed in this notification, and a DSH-2 language certificate, by post to the University of Augsburg. The University must receive these documents by

July, 15th

(absolute deadline!).

Course places reserved for this group of applicants are allocated solely on the basis of the student’s average grade. Top grades are required.


Important! If the notification of accreditation from the ZASt does not give an average grade, you should also include a preliminary document (Vorprüfungsdokumentation (VPD)) from uni-assist!
