

Dr. Rudolf Beck

Englische Literaturwissenschaft
Telefon: +49 821 598 - 2611


Monographs and Editions

  • Poetry und Human Nature: Studien zum Vokabular der viktorianischen Literaturkritik. Erlanger Beitr?ge zur Sprach- und Kunstwissenschaft 52. Nürnberg: Hans Carl, 1974.
  • D.H.Lawrence. Forum Anglistik. Heidelberg: Winter, 1978.
  • Oettingen-Wallersteinsche Bibliothek III.9: "Sch?ne Literatur der englischen Sprache: Eine Bibliographie. Augsburger I&I-Schriften 49. Augsburg, 1989.
  • [with Dieter G?tz and Thomas Herbst]. Fit fürs Abi: in Englisch: Schriftliche und mündliche Prüfung: 12. und 13. Schuljahr. Hannover: Schroedel, 1993. - 2nd edition (revised and ammended by Ludger Becker) Hannover: Schroedel, 1998.
  • [with Hildegard and Martin Kuester]. Terminologie der Literaturwissenschaft: Ein Handbuch für das Anglistikstudium. Ismaning: Hueber, 1998.
  • [Ed. with Martin Kuester and Gabriele Christ]. New Worlds: Discovering and Constructing the Unknown in Anglophone Literature. Presented to Walter Pache on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday. Schriften der Philosophischen Fakult?ten der Universit?t Augsburg 59. München: V?gel, 2000.
  • [Ed. with Axel Kammerer, Andreas Jall and Silke Bauer] John Langhorne. Solyman and Almena. Book on Demand. Augsburg, 2001.
  • [Ed. with Konrad Schr?der] Handbuch der britischen Kulturgeschichte. UTB 8333. Stuttgart: UTB, 2006.
  • [with Hildegard and Martin Kuester]. Basislexikon anglistische Literaturwissenschaft. Stuttgart: UTB, 2007. [New edition of Terminologie der Literaturwissenschaft (1998)]
  • Nymphen, Zyklopen und Satanic Mills: Funktionsgeschichtliche Studien zur englischen Literatur im Zeitalter der Indurstriellen Revolution. Text und Theorie 10. Würzburg: K?nigshausen und Neumann, 2009.

Online Text Editions

  • [Ed. with Axel Kammerer, Andreas Jall and Silke Bauer] John Langhorne. Solyman and Almena. Cooke's Pocket Edition of Select Novels. London: Cooke, 1795. April 2000. <http://www.historiker.de/projekte/orient/index.htm>.
  • [Ed. with introduction, footnotes and bibliography] Sir William Jones. Poems, Consisting Chiefly of Translations from the Asiatick Tongues (1772). Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1772. July 2009. <http://opus.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/volltexte/2009/1416/>

Articles and Miscellaneous

  • "Die drei Versionen von Lady Chatterley's Lover." Anglia 96 (1978): 409-29.
  • "'Romance' und 'Truth': Mrs. Gaskells Schwierigkeiten beim Schreiben der Wahrheit." Anglia 108 (1990): 51-74.
  • "Jürgen Sch?fer, 1933-1985." Medieval English Studies Past and Present. Eds. Akio Oizumi und Toshiyuki Takamiya. Tokyo: Eichosha Co. Pbd. for the Centre for Medieval English Studies, 1990. 284-7.
  • "Macbeth, Animal Farm und kein Ende: Was haben Studienanf?nger in der Anglistik gelesen?" Neusprachliche Mitteilungen 48,1 (1995): 31-38.
  • "The Writing on the Cartridge: A Note on Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary Barton and Charles B. Tayler." Notes and Queries 45.2 (June, 1998): 216-7.
  • "Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Salman Rushdie's Short Story Cycle East, West." Anglia, 116 (1998): 355-80. - Reprinted in Short Story Criticism 83 (2006): 321-332.
  • "'The Re-discovery of India': Palimpsest, Multiplicity and Melodrama in The Moor's Last Sigh." New Worlds: Discvovering and Constructing the Unknown in Anglophone Literature. Presented to Walter Pache on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday. Eds. Martin Kuester, Gabriele Christ and Rudolf Beck. Schriften der Philosophischen Fakult?ten der Universit?t Augsburg 59. München: V?gel, 2000. 17-33.
  • "'The Region of Beauty and Delight': Walton's Polar Fantasies in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein." Keats-Shelley Journal, 49 (2000): 24-29.
  • "Martineau, Harriet"; "Mistry, Rohinton"; "Peacock, Thomas Love." Metzler Lexikon englischsprachiger Autorinnen und Autoren. Ed. Ansgar Nünning. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2002.
  • "From Industrial Georgic to Industrial Sublime: English Poetry and the Early Stages of the Industrial Revolution." British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 27.1 (Spring 2004): 17-36.
  • "Die Kurzgeschichten von Lawrence, Forster und Huxley." Geschichte der englischen Kurzgeschichte. Eds. Arno L?ffler and Eberhard Sp?th. Tübingen: Francke, 2005. 207-24.
  • "Das Romanwerk von Thomas Love Peacock." Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. 3. Auflage. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2009.
  • Nachwort. Oliver Twist. Von Charles Dickens. ?bs. Gustav Meyrink. München: dtv, 2007.
  • Nachwort. David Copperfield. Von Charles Dickens. ?bs. Gustav Meyrink. München: dtv, 2009.
  • Nachwort. Tom Sawyers Abenteuer. Von Mark Twain. München: dtv, 2010.
  • Nachwort. Nicholas Nickleby. Von Charles Dickens. ?bs. Gustav Meyrink. München: dtv, 2011.


  • Review of: "W.G. Müller, Die englisch-schottische Volksballade (Bern: Francke, 1983)." Die Neueren Sprachen, 84 (1985): 120-1.
  • Review of: "Die Utopie in der angloamerikanischen Literatur: Interpretationen, ed. Hartmut Heuermann und Bernd-Peter Lange (Düsseldorf: Bagel, 1984)." Archiv, 224 (1987): 420-23.
  • Review of: "D.H. Lawrence, Study of Thomas Hardy and Other Essays, ed. Bruce Steel (Cambridge: CUP, 1985)." Anglia, 108 (1990): 545-47.
  • Review of: "Hubert Zapf, Das Drama in der abstrakten Gesellschaft (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1988)." Archiv, 227 (1990): 396-7.
  • Review of: "Volker Strunk, Harold Pinter: Towards a Poetics of His Plays (New York: Lang, 1989)." Archiv, 228 (1991): 413-15.
  • Review of: "Ulla-Carina Reitz, Dialekt bei D.H. Lawrence (Frankfurt/M.: Lang, 1992)." Archiv, 231 (1994): 193-7.
  • Review of: "James Fanning, Literaturwissenschaftliches Lexikon (Frankfurt/M.:Lang, 1993)." Lebende Sprachen, 40,1 (1995): 40-41.
  • Review of: "Fritz-Wilhelm Neumann, Der englische historische Roman im 20. Jahrhundert (Heidelberg: Winter, 1993)." Archiv, 233 (1996): 412-6.
  • Review of:. "Martha A. Turner, Mechanism and the Novel: Science in the Narrative Process (Cambridge: CUP, 1993)." Anglia, 115 (1997): 115-8.
  • Review of: "The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Literature in English, ed. Jenny Stringer, intro. John Sutherland (Oxford: Oxford U.P., 1996)." Archiv, 236 (1999): 163-165.
  • Review of: "Approaches to Teaching the Works of D. H. Lawrence, ed. M. Elizabeth Sargent and Garry Watson (New York: MLA, 2001)." Archiv, 242 (2005): 204-205.


The AnglistenTheater of the University of Augsburg is an amateur student theatre group that has performed plays in English since 1980. It was founded by Rudolf Beck who produced and directed plays between 1981 and 1990. He was succeeded by Ute Legner and Roger Evans, who directed their first play, Caryl Churchill’s Top Girls, in 1988. Ute Legner was in charge of the AnglistenTheater from 1991 to 2006. During her time more than 15 contemporary plays were shown at the University and at the Abraxas theatre, many of them for the first time on a German stage. After an interval of 6 years, Rudolf Beck revived the AnglistenTheater in 2012 with Simon Stephens’ One Minute.


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